AP American History 扫二维码继续学习
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There are two learning objectives of American history:
first, popularize education of American history and culture, and improve historical literacy;
Second, to prepare  to attend the AP American history exam. The course is difficult. Strong English reading and writing skills are required. Ability to analyze historical problems is also necessary


  • 第一层次目标是普及美国历史知识;第二层次目标是应对AP美国历史考试
  • 学生需要有很好的英语基础。需要了解美国历史、美国文化者;需要应对SAT考试者;需要参加AP美国历史考试者。
  • 第 1 章 : Chapter 1, 1491-1607 The period from pre-Columbian Indian cultures to the founding of Jamestown covers the interaction of cultures and how Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans created a "new" world.
  • 第 2 章 : Chapters 2, 1607-1754 Various mixtures of American Indians, Europeans, and African Americans created colonies with distinctive cultures, economies, and populations.
  • 第 3 章 : Chapters3 , 1754-1800 Wars over empires provided the context for the American Revolution and the founding of the United States, including the political struggles to form a "more perfect union."
  • 第 4 章 : Chapters 4, 1800-1848 The promise of the new republic played out during a period of rapid economic, territorial, and population growth that tested the political institutions that held the nation together. Period
  • 第 5 章 : Chapters 5, 1848-1877 A war with Mexico intensified the conflict over slavery and states' rights, which led to the Civil War and then to struggles to reconstruct the Union and address the legacy of slavery.
  • 第 6 章 : Chapters 6, 1865-1898 Industrialization, the rapid growth of cities, and a large new wave of immigration transformed the American economy, society, culture, and regional identities.
  • 第 7 章 : Chapters 7, 1898-1945 While the United States responded to the impact of industrialization during the Progressive and New Deal years, it also became deeply involved in world affairs during World Wars I and IL
  • 第 8 章 : Chapters 8, 1945-1980 The United States assumed a world leadership role during the Cold War, while society became more divided over issues of economic and social justice, especially for minorities and women.
  • 第 9 章 : Chapters 9 , 1980-Present A renewed conservative movement challenged the efficacy of government at home, while the end of the Cold War, the spread of globalization, and the increase in terrorism forced it to redefine its policies.
  • 本次开课


  • 开课:09月01日 00:00

    结束:05月20日 00:00
