AP Microeconomics 扫二维码继续学习
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AP microeconomics is an elective course offered by College Board of the United States in senior high schools. It aims to help high school students successfully apply to universities and enter their chosen majors. The course is as difficult as a freshman course in an American University. Microeconomics belongs to the category of social science. It studies how individuals and enterprises make decisions and how to interact in the market. Economics is an elective course offered by many universities in the United States. It is also a required course for business and economics majors. The course generally lasts for two semesters. The test is in every May. The courses and examinations are all in English, and the requirements for English proficiency are high. 

  • 理解和掌握经济学基本概念、供给和需求、消费者行为、产量和成本、市场结构、要素市场以及市场失灵和政府行为等章节所包含的概念、原理和规律。
  • 本次开课


  • 开课:03月03日 00:00

    结束:06月24日 00:00
