( 3人 )

     Julia Robinson Math Festival inspires students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative and creative problem solving.  It opens the mind of students to unlimited possibilities.  Festivals are held around the world with the support of many leading universities including Stanford, Princeton and Yale University.  This is the first time that we bring the Festival to Shanghai to give HSEFZ students a taste on campus.

       茱莉娅鲁滨孙数学嘉年华鼓励学生探索数学的丰富和美丽,但不是通过比赛,而是合作和创造性解决问题的活动, 从而开拓学生无限潜能。世界一流大学都支持这个活动,包括斯坦福、普林斯顿和耶鲁大学等。数学嘉年华是首次来到上海示范举办。

Teacher:Ted Alper

Schedule : Saturday, July 15, 2017 (9:00 – 11:45 am)

Targeted students :   Grade 9-12

Maximum capacity : 60 students

(*students of “Math and Game” course are automatically enrolled for this Festival and do not need to apply again.)

