
Course Description: 
This course will focus on the science fiction genre of literature, while looking at its practical applications to developments in future technology. Topics such as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and the technological singularity will be
explored through multiple text types such as short stories, science blogs, and news articles.

Course Skills: 
Critical reading skills, expressing complex ideas through writing, working with classmates, and the practical application of scientific theories.

Method of Instruction:
An introduction to each new topic will be presented in a lecture, and discussions will be both student led and done in cooperative learning groups. Assignments will be done individually, as well as in groups. Students will be
expected to read and complete other work outside of class.

Resources & Major Texts:
- Selected works by Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, and Vonnegut
- The Gentle Seduction by Marc Stiegler
- Transcendent Man and the technological singularity by Ray Kurzweil
- Gizmodo, i09, and other tech blog entries

Assessments/Major Assignments:
- Group presentation of an aspect of future technology presented in class.
- Students will be responsible for presenting one of the assigned readings in class.

Michael Y has a BA in English Literature and Philosophy from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He has been teaching high school level courses for 8 years, and is a certified American teacher at the HSEFZ International Department.


  • Students will improve their critical reading skills through multiple text types.
  • Students will help their peers understand issues presented in the readings.
  • Students will gain a new understanding on the influence of science fiction on future technology.
  • English Level: Intermediate to Advanced

