
The ability to create is often the key skill that differentiates top performers from their peers. Creativity is especially important for lovers of learning, and can turn passive knowledge acquisition into active knowledge creation. How can one best ignite, channel and sustain a sense of vibrant curiosity?

In this dynamic, hands-on course students discover their own unique ways to express their own individual creativity, and how this creativity can be channeled to increase satisfaction and depth of understanding of any subject. The course begins by reviewing the fundamental skills of personal mastery: the building blocks necessary to achieve baseline excellence in any field. Students are then given a short introduction to select tools taught at the Stanford Design School (or "d.school"), including brainstorming and lateral thinking. The course concludes with an in-depth exploration of methods used by great thinkers and innovators such as Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.

As for methodology, there will be very little formal lecture. In fact, students will be out of their seats much of the time, learning from their own individual experience and from each other as they collaborate on solving a variety of challenges in the classroom through small and large group exercises, role plays, debates and presentations. The overall spirit of the class -- like that of Silicon Valley -- is active and improvisational, with the intent of having students internalize, rather than memorize, the key concepts of the course in a way that gives them personalized meaning and lasting impact.





本课程首先评论个人能力的基本技能:在任何领域达到卓越所需的构建基块。然后介绍基于斯坦福大学设计学院 D学院)的思考工具,包括头脑风暴和横向思维。最后对伟大的思想家和发明家例如爱因斯坦、乔布斯等常用的探索方法进行深入研究。


这个课程没有长时间的讲课。一开启,教授会让大家站起来用Tuki-Tuki游戏互相认识问好。事实上,大部分时间学生都不会坐在椅子,而是不停的单独或与同学一起动手做练习,通过角色扮演、辩论和陈述来应对一系列的挑战。这包括最简单的画圈填色游戏,到设计椅子、背包、研究数学原理,讨论如何既快且慢地思考,打破10个常规等等。这门课堂是充满硅谷精神 — “活跃的、 即兴的 它帮助学生把知识内在化,而不是背诵,这样学生才可以拥有个性化的演变和维持长远效果。




